the Haunted House
Adobe's Photoshop 5:
My graphic editor of choice -- software
that continually amazes
and astounds me.
Extensis' PhotoAnimator: This is the most amazing
piece of animation software I have ever seen. It's
great as a standalone
animation tool, but if you use Photoshop, are you
in for a treat. Create an image in Photoshop, import the
.PSD file into Photoanimator and it retains your
transparencies, layers, everything! For example, for the
Headless Woman, I didn't
make separate gifs of each frame and then compile them, I loaded
one .PSD file into PhotoAnimator. Photoanimator retained
the transparency of her dress -- all I had to do was tell
the program to move the dress from point A to point B.
WARNING!!! Both versions of the house require a minimum of Netscape 4
or Internet Explorer 4. UPDATE: Report from an Opera User informs us
that Opera 3.50 (for Win98) also works just fine. WARNING!!!
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Additional Links
Haunted House Download: find out how you can
download the Haunted House (both versions) and put
one or both
on your web site.
Some Restrictions Do Apply.
Claire Schaeffer