the Haunted House
WARNING!!! The house require a minimum of Netscape 4
or Internet Explorer 4. WARNING!!!
- Visit the
Haunted House Full:
25 animations, 716K (yes, that is close to
three-quarters of a MEG)
Additional Links
- Haunted House Wallpaper (56k)
No, it's not animated, but for those of you wanting to spook
up your desktop, here's the Haunted House as one solid image. Select the
Haunted House Wallpaper link and then (for most browsers on PCs), right click --
you should have an option to "Set as Wallpaper" or "Save as Wallpaper"
About the Haunted House: read about the tools I used
to create the Haunted House, the clipart resources I used
(yes, I use clipart), my muses,
and my thanks.
Haunted House Download: find out how you can
download the Haunted House (both versions) and put
one or both
on your web site.
Some Restrictions Do Apply.